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Election Results 2023

Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote in last night's election. There were 113 votes cast in person and 20 cast by absentee ballot for a total of 133 votes. Of the 165 paid HOA members as of December 31, 2022, the vote total represents a participation rate of 80.6%. The By-Law change of the fiscal year was approved by 127 votes. The Election Committee reported that many of the ballots for Board positions did not show votes for four candidates. Of the Board member candidates, the top four vote recipients in alphabetical order were: Fred Crider, Jan Fetterly, Albert Johnson, and Allen Siems. The vote totals have traditionally not been advertised to respect the feelings of those who participated but were not elected. It is my intention to carry on that tradition. The ballots were counted twice by the committee members. Each count was made by a different pair of committee members and compared for accuracy before the count was certified. The top four vote recipients for the Board plus the three carry overs, Ted Hall, Pat Dewitt, and Dennis McCarthy, voted to determine who would hold each board position for the next year. Fred Crider made a motion for Ted Hall to be President. Pat Dewitt made a motion for Dennis McCarthy to be Treasurer. Fred Crider made a motion for Albert Johnson to be Secretary. Dennis McCarthy made a motion for Jan Fetterly to be Vice President. Each of those motions was approved unanimously by the board membership in the order they were made before the next motion was made. The balance of the members, Fred Crider, Pat Dewitt and Allen Siems are designated as Members-at-Large. The first regular Board meeting of this new Board will be February 16, 2023 at 6:30 PM in the clubhouse. Hope to see many of you there. Thanks again for your participation. Sincerely, Ted Hall - President


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