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Social Committee News - September

Hard to believe it is September and time to get back into the routine of preparing information for the monthly newsletter. Hope you all enjoyed yourselves in the meantime. First order of business is to thank Anthony Wallace for all of his work as editor of the newsletter. It was a pleasure working with him. Now we welcome Phil Godin and his assistant Susan Fullum to the position and I’m sure it will be just as pleasurable. A lot has happened since the May newsletter. We closed out the month of May with a small Memorial Day Parade followed by dinner. Fran Mulhern grilled and Vicki, Dave and I had the honor of hosting to honor those who gave up so much for the freedom we share today. Next up was A Fabulous Fish Fry for Father’s Day hosted by Dawn and Al Siems. Everyone raved about their fish and the added option of sloppy joes for all of our land lovers. July started off with a bang up Grill Day for the 4th of July, again hosted by the Mulherns and assisted by the Storeys. Shortly afterwards we attended a “Free for All” that was true to its’ name. Pam Stone and Cindy Walsh hosted while Dave Wirth acted as our resident DJ. All brought food to share and non perishables to donate to the Parrish United Methodist Social Committee News Church. We closed out July with a true Hoe Down hosted by Jan and Fred Crider, Sharon Olivarez and Pam Stone. Games were played and dessert was served from a covered wagon. It was a fun and new event complete with games and fellowship. As of this writing, we are looking forward to an Ice Cream Social and another Grill Day to close out the summer. (I’ll let you know more about how they went next month). Hopefully by now you have all gotten your tickets for Labor Day. I wish to thank all of those who attended each of the events over the summer. Entertainment for 2024 and some of 2025 has already been booked and several of our neighbors have agreed to host many of the necessary events. We are still in need of Hosts for some of our usual Events. Thanks to a wonderful committee and the willingness of so many in the park to help, you can take on hosting responsibilities and know you will have support. I always found it amazing that people with ideas for events, shared their ideas and were so willing to host and make each of the events a success. Sincerely, Ginny Storey–Social Chairwoman

Also attached - VS September Newsletter Click below

A few pics from the summer events. Check out the VS Photo album for all the pictures from the events.


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