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What's Happening in December

WooHoo!!! December is here!!! and a month full of Christmas cheer and events is upon us. Make sure you have your tickets and mark your calendars to join in the holiday fun!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all.

*** Get your yards ready with your best Christmas decor. There will be a $100 prize for the best yard. To vote for your favorite write the address of the yard you like and drop into the liaison suggestion box.

Winner will be announced on December 21st at coffee. ***


Ugly Sweater 'n Pizza Christmas Party - Saturday December 9th 6pm. Please wear your favorite holiday outfit. Pizza for all, holiday music and also bring a plate of holiday cheer to share with your table and a $5 wrapped gift for the White Elephant gift exchange. Tickets available at the door. $6/$8

Christmas Brunch - Saturday December 16th 10am. Pancakes, sausage links, scrambled eggs and so much more. Tickets available at coffee. $10/$13

Cookie Exchange - Sunday December 17th 1-3pm. Bring 3 dozen of your favorite Christmas cookies. 2 dozen to share and 1 dozen to be passed out to shut-ins during the eventing Golf Cart Caroling. Also bring a $5 wrapped gift to exchange.

Golf Cart Caroling - Sunday December 17th Meet at 5:30 at clubhouse for Golf Cart Caroling from 6-8pm

New Year's Eve - Why not stay off the roads and celebrate it here at VS with your family and friends … ALL are welcome! A full night starting at 7pm (doors open at 6:30). YOUR favorite dance songs, food, games including music trivia, prizes and a 50/50 drawing at 9pm. We’ll have a toast to the New Year twice, at 9pm for you “early to bed” people and of course, midnight! Mark your social calendar NOW

Saturday Morning Social - for December 30th has been cancelled. But will be back in January - See you then.


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