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What's happening in November

The end of year is coming fast! Here is some November news & events and upcoming December events. Mark your calendars!!!

Liaison committee report: Liaison Committee update:

We have a vacancy on the committee. Anyone interested can contact me directly.

From the suggestion box:

1) Can we get a recycle bin for the clubhouse? Laura approved.

2) Speed bumps hard to see at night. Can they be repainted? Laura will schedule.

3) Status update on pickle ball courts. Refinishing and court line painting should proceed shortly. Two nets to be provided.

Other business:

In meeting with Laura, she has offered to provide an annual summary of items that have been addressed in the park. Should be coming soon.


When placing any concerns in the suggestion box PLEASE provide specifics. “Just the facts, Ma’am, just the facts.”

Thank you. Fran Mulhern


Veranda Springs Thanksgiving Meal - Saturdday November 18th 5pm

Traditional Roast Turkey dinner with all the fixings. Time running out to get your tickets!

Ladies Luncheon - Wednesday November 15th Mattison Riverwalk Grill - Bradenton - This luncheon has sold out but you can be put on a wait list if you haven't signed up. Here is the menu for the luncheon.

Saturday Morning Social - Saturday November 25th 9am

Please bring a toy with you to donate and make a positive impact on a childs life. Lin Courtwright will discuss "Strength in Action" Palmetto FL

Ugly Sweater 'n Pizza Christmas Party - Saturday December 9th 6pm. Please wear your favorite holiday outfit. Pizza for all, holiday music and also bring a plate of holiday cheer to share with your table and a $5 wrapped gift for the White Elephant gift exchange. Tickets on sale at coffee.

Christmas Brunch - Saturday December 16th 10am-12pm. (more info to follow)

Cookie Exchange - Sunday December 17th (more info to follow)

Golf Cart Caroling - Sunday December 17th (more info to follow)

New Year's Eve - Why not stay off the roads and celebrate it here at VS with your family and friends … ALL are welcome! A full night starting at 7pm (doors open at 6:30). YOUR favorite dance songs, food, games including music trivia, prizes and a 50/50 drawing at 9pm. We’ll have a toast to the New Year twice, at 9pm for you “early to bed” people and of course, midnight! Mark your social calendar NOW


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